5 things RD’s need to be doing to successfully help patients manage IBS symptoms

Do you get stuck counselling patients with IBS?

It's common that patients come to see dietitians with complex symptoms, history, and failed attempts at managing their symptoms.

Do you feel overwhelmed by a patients complex medical history and their IBS symptoms?

Wonder if their symptoms are IBS or something else?

If so, this free, 1 hour dietitian training is for you!

Kirsten Jackson, RD, and Andrea Hardy, RD present:

5 things dietitians need to be doing to successfully help manage patients IBS symptoms!

With over 23 collective years experience, many of them both working with IBS patients and training dietitians to help patients with IBS, Kirsten and Andrea have found several places in practice where RD's get stuck counselling patients with IBS.

We will give you some practical tools and take-aways to help you enhance your practice with IBS patients!

Kirsten Jackson is a UK consultant gastroenterology dietitian who lives in Dubai. She started her business, The Food Treatment Clinic, in 2014 and now consults online with people from all over the world. Kirsten started her career in 2012 after graduating from The University of Hertfordshire in England. She then went on to study a post-graduate certificate in Advanced Dietetics at The University of Nottingham and Advanced FODMAP Training from Kings College University in London.Kirsten first became interested in gut health after suffering with both IBS and coeliac disease herself. With this she used her own personal experience, coupled with proven science to design the Take Control method which she now teaches to people on both a 1:1 and group basis.

Andrea Hardy is a registered dietitian from Calgary, Canada where she runs a multi-disciplinary digestive health practice across Canada called Ignite Nutrition. She specializes in gut health & gastrointestinal diseases and is recognized in the media as Canada’s Gut Health Expert. She is passionate about translating science into ‘easy to digest’ information to support a healthy gut. She has spoken on the TEDx stage, as well as internationally about digestive health. Follow her on Instagram at @andreahardyrd or tune into her gut health podcast ‘Let’s Gut Real’ which is all about making nutrition science easy to digest!

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the webinar?
The webinar is live November 16th at 9 am MST. The replay will be available after.
What does it cost to attend?
This webinar is free to attend!
Will there be CE credits?
You will receive a continuing education certificate for 1 hour after completing the webinar. It is not registered with the AND for CEU's - please check with your individual college on what the requirements are to count this towards your continuing education plan.

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